Hi guys... i'm back... hahaha i've got a lot of things to say till i dunno where to start... lol kk, i'll start wif i got the job at 7 11, currently i alr have a job but the working hour is so little... so i find another one in somerset that my fren recommended... that the first thing that i wanna share... then the next thing is my math faci change today n the damn thing is his first priority is teamwork... n the damnest(what word is that? lol) kk... n the worst thing is in our group, we have LC. i heard from other team when we have other module, she didn't contribute n some more she submit her own PPT... wa piang e... if that thing happen in my team, i'm gonna slap her... hahaha n wat they said about she didn't talk, didn't contribute... it's all true... damn... i ask her to talk, other teammates also ask her coz we dun want our grade been downgraded coz of her... n u know wat... she like blur2 one... everything we said, she didn't answer... wa lao.. like to zombie.. hell yeah... appropriate called for her... it's not i'm cruel or wat, but u guys need to know that she is really like that... faci even call me n her out... yeah ME... i thought that i'll be complained or wat by faci... but luckily, he asked LC to talk more, to contribute... n guess wat.. even faci, she didn't answer him... hahahaha faci oso ask her "u got wat i mean, y u look blur?" LOLZ... then he said that LC can talk to me as well... fiuhh... not a big deal... hahaha when meeting 3, we need to present our PPT, LC just need to read today's problem and we alr TOLD her many times but u know wat, when her turn, we didn't hear anything at first, then we turn at her... she just stood still... -_-" then i said, this is ur slide... then she like blur2... ha? like that... wa piang... haha n finally she talk about that slide...

kk... n the last thing that i wanna share is there will be no rock climbing tomorrow -_-" i feel so happy alr when we can go to school as usual, thought that can do rock climbing n sports again.. but... sport complex closed -_-"""" but as the change, we climb at climb asia near the farrer park there... i think i'm gonna join it since i alr miss rock climbing hahahaha n that guy... lol when i ask him will he be going there, he said yes but cannot until finished... k.. so let just c how tml.. haha kk.. wanna go to sleep alr.. good nite y'all... XoxO.... :D

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