Hi guys... just wanna passed by for a while to say something... i think i dun wanna think about that guy alr... no hope, he also dun find me anymore... think that... this is it.. fiiuuhh... now, i feel like miserable... dun have a lot of frens here... but fortunately, i still have some fren that really kind to me.. hehehe ahh ya, last nite, i work nite shift.. from 11 to 7 am... tiring sia... dunno y, in the middle of nite even at 3 plus still have customer.. they dun sleep ya? curious bout wat they do at that time... haiz.... at 4 plus, my head alr feel like heavy.. wanna sleep alr... then this morning, i arrived at hostel around 8 plus, then i straight go to my bed then fall asleep...hahaha sleep until 3 hahaha... then, i go to cwp to eat n meet my roommate there n go home together... i also shopping there... hiks... so expensive sia the dress... but i like... hahaha i used my own money that i earn from worked to buy... hohoho kk... wanna sleep alr, some more tml got UT... arrghh... wish me luck yo... :) nitez... Xoxo...

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