MOrning... hahaha yesterday i worked till 11 so i dun have time to post a blog... arrived at woodlands alr 12.30.... tired sia.. -_-" ah ya, i got a story when i worked hahaha when i worked at cashier rite, as usual, i take the item to scan n say the price. then, there was aunty want to buy a tea the brand is something to do with earth hahaha forgot the name alr. then we (me n my fren) said the price, the aunty seems dun understand wat we said n spoke a language that i dunno. then she went after paid then she back again, spoke a word that we dun understand. then suddenly i got wat lang is that, it's JAPANESE!! wa lao... i tried to help the aunty, there was an uncle that can speak english, he translate that to me. then i knew that she wanna changed the drink because that one is sweeter. the aunty keeps talking then fortunately i remembered some japanese word, i asked her to wait for a moment coz i need to ask my manager whether can change or not. then can change finally, then i said arigatou... hahaha n u guys know wat.. there were a japanese tourists, in a moment, all of our customers were japanese n most of them dun understand english. hah. there's a lot of japanese word that i alr forgot, i used to learn it. yesterday, i even forgot how to say the price in japanese. -_-" i think, i wanna learn it again....

at last, i wanna say some about that guy... seems like things didn't work between us... recently, he did not find me for a chat alr... n i just dun wanna force on it... k, wanna continue do my work alr... hahaa in class now... c ya... XoxO..

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