huahhh today i dun join rock climbing due to i star things... hiks ahh today our enterprise faci said that we need to wear business attire next week which i dun have... -_-"
just now i went to cwp to find. wanna find G2000... hahaha den it said sale, so i went in lor... then i'm like so blur2 one... never buy all those kind of shirt... i dun even can compare... den finally, i choose one shirt n 1 skirt.. hahaha when i try... i looks like 25 yo -.- it makes me look older.. hahahaha
but finally i buy... expensive sia... hahhaha i dun wanna tell the price here... hehe
waa... can't imagine next monday, ppl will wearing formal hahahaha
maybe, next monday i will take some pics n put it here... hahahaha

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