One day past... haha aarrrgghhh... feel wanna kill my Enterprise faci if think about it... haha u know y? she gave me A... supposed to be happy is it? but i'm not... y? coz this faci never gimme A before, she gave me straight B... there always be a reason... always comment in our team PPT.. all teams she comment... n some more, this A grade i got it when in e-learning week which is useless... argh... damn... ughh, dun wanna talk about it again...

ahh yaa... today i have rock climbing in climb asia.. as i alr told in the previous post.. i met him.. haha... so happy... :) whoaa.. long time dun climb, no strength to climb longer... my hand easy to get cramp... we spend 2 hours there, supposed haven't finished but he need to go somewhere then i also dun wanna go home too late... need to take train n it's quite far, so i also follow him... he company me to DG, he supposed to stop at CH but he company me till there n guide me till the train that i supposed to take... hehehe then yah... i got a story when i'm in a train.. i saw an empty sit, i go sit then i saw an uncle carry 2 big fair price plastics bag full of things, so i let him to sit... then he terminated in the next station... then i wanna sit again lor but at the same time, there is an aunty also wanna sit then she like wanna let me sit but i said nah, aunty sit lor... i stand near the door.. lean on the glass there... feel so bored, forgot to take my mp3... then when it arrived at AMK, she stand up then she called me, asked me to sit.. nice wat... hehehe like she is trying to do back that i did to her... hehehe

kk.. that's all that i wanna share... wanna watch my movie now even i alr sleepy n tired.. hahaha k, c ya guys tml... ;)

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