hellowww people.. hehehe since that i have a number one fan (yeah! u know who u r lol) to ask me to update my blog, so here i am.. wif my blog...

so anyway, the reason y i didn't update my blog is errmm because of errrmm LAZY... lol yeah, dunno y i just lazy, most of the time i update tumblr.. guess that now i'm addicted to that... n the other reason y is because i dunno wat to update.. most of the time i work... if have time n ehm2 also have time, we spent time tgt... speaking of ehm2... i'm quite disappointed wif him... we had a loads of plan that we wanna do during this holiday.. but delay n delay till today the list not all completed.. not half of it completed... ckckck

BUT actually i didn't mind where we go n all that, as long as i have time wif him.. that's enough... ahh, really miss the time that we went to the beach n eat in the cafe nearby... so romantic... hehehe

by the way, anyway, bus way, sub way...lol i'm gonna end here, will update soon(if i'm not lazy hehehe) going to work soon... c ya ppl.. take care n have a nice day :) :)

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