hi people, forgive me that i didn't update my blog for so long but also no point, update but no one read. but anyway, i will still update just for fun, typing wat happened to my life now and all that.

so many things to catch up, let me list them down:
1. i'm going to Bali this August with my fren n my ehm2... lol so far, just 3 of us but actually i didn't mind. and this gonna be the first trip that ONLY use my money. how i'm so proud of it hehehe still saved up for Bali now

2. i alr change my phone to N97 hehehe i changed it on August last year, a bit outdated tell u guys now hehehe n again, i use my own money to buy it, my previous one i really wanna throw it to the dustbin lol

3. my bestfren gonna study at the same sch as mine, Republic Polytechnic! yay! how i'm so happy to think bout that, we can have fun a lot! my weekend won't be boring anymore.. hehehe

4. i got the best valentine's present ever. ehm2 give me a necklace. it's heart shape with small diamonds to make it looks perfect. :)

5. my mum n dad alr know ehm2 but they haven't know that i'm dating with him. guess that need more time to tell them that.

6. somehow i just feel that my life change 360 that since i met him, everything's change. i have someone who really understand how i feel but oh well, still humans, sometimes make mistake... and he just gimme love, love that i want. didn't request for return. that i feel wanted.

7. i'm happy for now, for my current situation, n with him that he completes me...

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