honestly, i don't know how to react now
feel that i'm falling deeper and deeper
tried not to think bout it but i just can't
wondering if you still feel the same way
but i guess you're not

like this quote:

"There are times when I can't decide whether to see you or not, I want to see you because I miss you but there are times when I don't want to see you because everytime I do, the fact that you don't see me the way you did before... Hurts me even more..."

yeah, i'm back to blogger again.. after some time, so lazy to update n decide to delete my blog... but! don't know why, feel like wanna blog again.. hahahaha so i'm back people, don't know even if i have a loyal reader hahahaha

anyway, gonna update y'all soon :)
yeah, sch starts tmr n i dun well prepared.. hate my module for this semester.. all programming sia. but oops.. who knows i can get a better grade like i did last year... dun judge book from the cover.. aha.. den got 1 phrase (tak kenal maka tak sayang / nv know den nv like) hahahaha sounds weird, bad translator.. haix

so anyway, spend time wif ehm2 today after finished work.. so happy, at last.. last minute.. last day before the sch starts, we spent time tgt.. watch movie "Date Night" the cast is Steve Carell, Tina Fey, etc etc.. yeah.. it's a nice movie.. worth to watch though only 88 minutes... Steve Carell always wif his jokes n stupid act but yeah.. Two thumbs up..

k, gonna end here... for u guys who starts sch tmr, hope u guys have a nice day ;)

xoxo :)
hello people.. how u all doing? i have a great day today... though at the end i'm quite sad... so yah... after more than 1 year stay at sg, i finally went to singapore zoo :) omg, the place is so nice.. i dun mind, going there again hehehehe

so ya lor, meet my fren at 10.30am at cck mrt then took bus... den we walk walk n see see hahaha seriously, a lot of stuff to see den we watch the show.. n time goes so fast till it's 5.30pm alr.. so we went home...

after reached woodlands mrt, wanna stop by to causeway coz wanna buy a mat.. but guess wat, end up wif buying shoes, new bikini, groceries n finally the MAT... omg... i'm broke now.. spent more than i should... haiz... need to work hard again this month to cover back.. haiya...

how ironic is it? we always end up wif buying anything else... i'll end here.. off now.. c ya ppl...

u know u love me :)
i dunno where to start but just wanna pour all these stuff here... why this thing must happened? when u alr get used to live alone, no one to care about other than fren n family... no one to share wif.. no one to lean on... then there is someone who looks perfect in ur eyes... give everything that u need... n i'm perfectly fall for him.. lean on him...

but now... sigh... things just happened... n we hardly have time... is it just too much to ask for ur time? said that maybe it's too much for me to understand how much pressure under u... me? dun understand u? u WRONG!

i tried to be patient all this time.. let me be the second the person who u prioritize... dun wanna demand too much..

i always just have a simple wish... i dun ask u to buy anything for me.. i dun need it... i just need ur care... ur concern bout me... n i.. just wanna spend time though 1 day only wif u without doing anything....

the funniest thing is i said sorry to u... without u really understand how i feel all this time n wat i want... i'm disappoint...
hellowww people.. hehehe since that i have a number one fan (yeah! u know who u r lol) to ask me to update my blog, so here i am.. wif my blog...

so anyway, the reason y i didn't update my blog is errmm because of errrmm LAZY... lol yeah, dunno y i just lazy, most of the time i update tumblr.. guess that now i'm addicted to that... n the other reason y is because i dunno wat to update.. most of the time i work... if have time n ehm2 also have time, we spent time tgt... speaking of ehm2... i'm quite disappointed wif him... we had a loads of plan that we wanna do during this holiday.. but delay n delay till today the list not all completed.. not half of it completed... ckckck

BUT actually i didn't mind where we go n all that, as long as i have time wif him.. that's enough... ahh, really miss the time that we went to the beach n eat in the cafe nearby... so romantic... hehehe

by the way, anyway, bus way, sub way...lol i'm gonna end here, will update soon(if i'm not lazy hehehe) going to work soon... c ya ppl.. take care n have a nice day :) :)
hi people, forgive me that i didn't update my blog for so long but also no point, update but no one read. but anyway, i will still update just for fun, typing wat happened to my life now and all that.

so many things to catch up, let me list them down:
1. i'm going to Bali this August with my fren n my ehm2... lol so far, just 3 of us but actually i didn't mind. and this gonna be the first trip that ONLY use my money. how i'm so proud of it hehehe still saved up for Bali now

2. i alr change my phone to N97 hehehe i changed it on August last year, a bit outdated tell u guys now hehehe n again, i use my own money to buy it, my previous one i really wanna throw it to the dustbin lol

3. my bestfren gonna study at the same sch as mine, Republic Polytechnic! yay! how i'm so happy to think bout that, we can have fun a lot! my weekend won't be boring anymore.. hehehe

4. i got the best valentine's present ever. ehm2 give me a necklace. it's heart shape with small diamonds to make it looks perfect. :)

5. my mum n dad alr know ehm2 but they haven't know that i'm dating with him. guess that need more time to tell them that.

6. somehow i just feel that my life change 360 that since i met him, everything's change. i have someone who really understand how i feel but oh well, still humans, sometimes make mistake... and he just gimme love, love that i want. didn't request for return. that i feel wanted.

7. i'm happy for now, for my current situation, n with him that he completes me...