hi.. i'm back again.. just wan a little update here :) as i said, i will upload my pic bout the present that i got :) without talk more, here is the pic... enjoy :)

Candy Cane from Babu :)

can see it glowing??? lol

got it from Babu today. it's lotus tea from Vietnam :)

lol.. like the word.. will wear this when i'm lazy.. anyway, this one from Mike as my christmas present :)

tada.. this is a real tree, fyi.. n again, got it from Mike. he said that coz i will pass my christmas alone (my roommate go overseas) so yah, gimme this.. so sweet :)

omg.. this is so lovely.. nv have someone gimme this before... :)

thanks again all of u :) i really touched n appreciate it... :)

anyway, last but not least... Merry Christmas :) have a blast!


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