yo yo.. just found a letter from someone.. guess who??? it's my didi, Jason.. he is just so sweet.. sent me a christmas card... there is a note too inside.. oh my gosh.. i'm just so touched... by my didi n everyone... :) without talk more, i will just upload the pic.. hehehe

so sweet huh? thanks again didi! Merry Christmas :)
hi.. i'm back again.. just wan a little update here :) as i said, i will upload my pic bout the present that i got :) without talk more, here is the pic... enjoy :)

Candy Cane from Babu :)

can see it glowing??? lol

got it from Babu today. it's lotus tea from Vietnam :)

lol.. like the word.. will wear this when i'm lazy.. anyway, this one from Mike as my christmas present :)

tada.. this is a real tree, fyi.. n again, got it from Mike. he said that coz i will pass my christmas alone (my roommate go overseas) so yah, gimme this.. so sweet :)

omg.. this is so lovely.. nv have someone gimme this before... :)

thanks again all of u :) i really touched n appreciate it... :)

anyway, last but not least... Merry Christmas :) have a blast!

hi guys.. just wan to have a little update here, see my blog like dead alr.. lol so yah, wanna share wif u guys some things:
1. i work at manhattan fish since that i quit from pastamania, still haven't get used to it n still under training
2. have someone to share wif.. that i think that he understand me well.. hmm, not sure whether i'm too fast to judge... but i feel comfortable when i talk to him :)
3. i will upload my pic bout ppl that alr give me my christmas present! =)

so.. there will be an upcoming new post :)

feels like wanna blog even that my eyes just left 5 watt.. lol damn sleepy.. anyway, i talked to my manager that i wanna resign.. cry like siao, coz she is the one that make me stay... so yah.. i alr got a job at manhattan fish market, hope that this new job is better than this..

btw, yest fb-ing wif someone in the fb.. post reply comment... dunno wat he wan.. fucking confuse.. he posted that ask about is there anyone that understand him? i said that "u'll find one..." then he said that maybe it's only me that understand him.. wtf?! den how? wat he wan? u know my feeling.. but still u r choosing other girl... compare me wif someone i dun even know who the hell she is... u know how i'm fucking hurt... ask me not to jealous.. i said i won't.. that u said u know my real feeling... wth?!!!

u know wat? just fuck off if u dun wan me in ur life anymore... dun make me suffer like this...
hi.. feel like wanna blog.. i know i didn't blog for quite a long... blog also like so sian, talk n no pic... sorry yo... coz i'm lazy.. recently have those ISF stuff.. anyway, i did henna art at india booth today... pretty cool i think... hehe though kana charge for S$5, it's actually from other IG that so called collaborate wif India booth and the money will be used for charity, so it's fine for me...
This is after the thing dry... they said it will last for around 2 weeks...

anyway, holiday is coming soon but still need to chiong for work =.= den some more got the marketing competition... sianz... gimme a break!

holiday also cannot enjoy, can lar but so sian, roommate will go overseas... leave me alone.. so i better chiong go to work n earn money even though feel like i'm so lazy n just wan to slack... =.="

ouhh... hope everything will go smooth n be ok =)
i'll blog again if there's anything that i wan to update....

c y'all


wat is misery?

i think i felt it now.. living in a strange place that nobody else wif me...

everything i do it alone...

i dun even know y the hell i choose to live here...

now, i dunno wif whom i hang out wif...

but last nite, my bff told me that she was accepted in rp... so happy to think about that.. thinking about she will come here... will accompany me...

i will have a fren to share everything wif... won't be alone...

so Christine Winardi... i really wait for u to come... :)
