hi hi. long time dun update my blog. sorry yo. got a lot of work. became workaholic now haha but i plan to shop after i received my paid. i won't work in coming weekend. yesterday, got 1 audit came to rate all the stuff like the staff, hygiene n else. this is the second time for this month. that time also got. dunno y they audit twice in this month. u know wat. i got all the points again like i did for the first audit. yay! so happy hahaha n there's something that makes me feel so happy, the audit said something about me to manager. then manager said to me, she said that the audit said that the way i work n smile to customer is so genuine n i do my work very naturally. then she said that she was not surprised when he said that because he is the second person said that, the first audit also said that. how i'm so happy. :)

i just try to do my best when i'm work n i smile to customer to see their smile. i do it by heart. :) n like i said in the previous blog. everything that u do by heart, the result will be good :D

i'm going to eat sushi now.. c ya... haha

how i wanna know all these answers. just read his wall post about that social interview. the question is like this : "If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go?" his answer is 10 October 2006. an answer that surprised me. u know y? coz i also answer the same for that question. but i dun really write the date, i just write my secondary sch. i just dun get it. y he want to back at that time if he alr have a good life with his gf. dun say that he still have feeling with me, coz he didn't need me anymore. seriously.
another story, i just have a chat wif A.B, he always make me smile in every message that he sent. feel like i have a feeling wif him but is that possible? i even haven't met him before. but we have known each other for a long time n just this year, we just exchange number which means that he ready for the next step closer. he is kind boy n the most polite ang moh guy that i know. i also hope that i can go there someday.

ahh.. speaking bout my new class, seems like we alr quite close to each other compare to the first day. some of them alr more talkative. hahaha
anyway, to be continue... hohoho

just start my new sem yesterday. thanks god that my teammates are so friendly. today, my teammates are a bit quite or maybe we haven't get know to each other. anyway, this morning i so unlucky. slip myself when i step above the drain in the school. feel so hurt n i got a scratch which i think that line will change into bruise =_=" n my ass.. damn pain now.. lol
hi. finally, i can update my blog. hufff. so tired today. just came back from medan, morning flight. seems like things will back as usual. go to sch n work. today suppose to have class chalet for 3 days 2 nights but i can't join today, too tired alr. sorry guys. i'll join the tml chalet.

ahh. speaking of which my ex-bf. he has a new gf alr. dun wanna talk much bout him. the important thing is i'm happy recently. have a chat with ehm2.. hahaha still a secret. but wat can i say is he is really kind n polite. guess that our relationship is more closer now. but i dun wanna hope too much, the chance is so small as in he is not in the same country wif me.

will update again soon :)

c ya