today i learn a new thing. when i worked at pastamania n around 3.30, Vyce(my outlet manager) asked me to distribute flyers. the first thing that crossed my mind when i heard that is, OMG, how can i finished to give all that flyers. fyi, the flyers are around 1 cm. so it's around 40+. coz, from wat i know is it's not easy to give the flyers because some people or even most of the people dun like to take it. i admit myself also dun like to take it, except the flyer is attractive. when i stand there outside the sun plaza, i felt that how the ppl feel. when ppl ignore u.. or they dun wanna take ur flyer... but behind that, i also knew how me as the ppl who passed by, we knew that the ppl who give the flyer never smile, they just give their flyer...
i dun wanna feel like that... when i gave the flyer, i try to smile... smile to everyone that look at me... n some ppl take it.. i said thank u to them...
then, finally i can finished it all in just 20 min...which i think is fast...
when i went back, i told my experience to Vyce. she knew how i feel, when it came to the part where i said that the ppl that i saw that dun smile when give the flyer n most of the ppl who passed by just ignore, she said that it's because they just want to finished the flyer quickly.. then i think that it is true... she also said that the most important thing is u learned something from it...
yup, i learned new thing.. a role that i never played before...

one thing that i wanna say to all of u guys is when u do something by heart, the result will be good... :)

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