hi, i finally update my own blog after i update W14L blog. today is my first day UT. yup, this week we gonna have UT3. on the last day sch, we have a class lunch tgt. we order pizza delivery, have fun n took a lot of pics

For W14L, i wanna say these, that I'm gonna miss:

- Murni that always makes me giggle in front of my screen & even today she success make me giggle during UT! lol n give me new NICKNAME hahaha
- ChoonKai that always support me & being a good fren n uncle & his joke around that always brighten my day
- Nabil with his crap joke n sating random things n OH, sing malay song. he always makes me laugh in this own way
- Jing Hui.. my lao pa.. that always protect me haha
- Jason... my lovely didi that always being kind.. i'm gonna miss taking a lot of pics and make it into flipbook :)
- Jonas.. that even i'm not too close with u but i enjoy time where me n u in the same group
- WangTeng that always talk a lot in the presentation haha
- Sakura with her cute face n funny
- Erra that always start the class convos n lately like to play with nudge
- Jo that always got disturb by others n the way she talk that makes me laugh
- Fadz that help me a lot in programming haha
- Desmond Ming a.k.a silent kill that always draw funny things in class convos
- Desmond Wong that have a funny laugh n help me a lot during math module
- Harvn that also like to joke around n M.I.A haha
- Jin a.k.a baby hair that being so naughty but been changed lately
- Hamdi that also help me a lot at math n when presentation like to touch his hair lol
- Aung that like to spy my group haha
- Alviss that like to joke around n M.I.A lately
- Jerome that always ask a lot of question during cognitive n being a misterius guy hahaha
- Patricia with her sleepy face n funny
- Heezal that at first being depressed but lately i think that he found his lover hahaha

sure i will miss all that moment. for W14L, thanks for being my fren n being such a good fren that i dun feel that i am alone here. i hope that the friendship that we build will never end :) i'm looking forward our next class outing :D


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