today i learn a new thing. when i worked at pastamania n around 3.30, Vyce(my outlet manager) asked me to distribute flyers. the first thing that crossed my mind when i heard that is, OMG, how can i finished to give all that flyers. fyi, the flyers are around 1 cm. so it's around 40+. coz, from wat i know is it's not easy to give the flyers because some people or even most of the people dun like to take it. i admit myself also dun like to take it, except the flyer is attractive. when i stand there outside the sun plaza, i felt that how the ppl feel. when ppl ignore u.. or they dun wanna take ur flyer... but behind that, i also knew how me as the ppl who passed by, we knew that the ppl who give the flyer never smile, they just give their flyer...
i dun wanna feel like that... when i gave the flyer, i try to smile... smile to everyone that look at me... n some ppl take it.. i said thank u to them...
then, finally i can finished it all in just 20 min...which i think is fast...
when i went back, i told my experience to Vyce. she knew how i feel, when it came to the part where i said that the ppl that i saw that dun smile when give the flyer n most of the ppl who passed by just ignore, she said that it's because they just want to finished the flyer quickly.. then i think that it is true... she also said that the most important thing is u learned something from it...
yup, i learned new thing.. a role that i never played before...

one thing that i wanna say to all of u guys is when u do something by heart, the result will be good... :)
"The Day You Went Away"

Well I wonder could it be
When I was dreaming 'bout you baby
You were dreaming of me
Call me crazy, call me blind
To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time

Did I lose my love to someone better
And does she love you like I do
I do, you know I really really do

Well hey
So much I need to say
Been lonely since the day
The day you went away
So sad but true
For me there's only you
Been crying since the day
The day you went away

I remember date and time
September twenty second
Sunday twenty five after nine
In the doorway with your case
No longer shouting at each other
There were tears on our faces

And we were letting go of something special
Something we'll never have again
I know, I guess I really really know

The day you went away
The day you went away

Why do we never know what we've got 'til it's gone
How could I carry on
The day you went away
Cause I've been missing you so much I have to say
Been crying since the day
The day you went away

The day you went away
The day you went away

sounds sad rite the song...
i just realized that somewhere some part inside my heart
i still have those memories with u that will always stay at there
i just realized that even until now
there's part of u that always make me wanna look back
i just realized that there's so much thing that i wanna say
but it's just too late
coz the 4-year-ago person that i miss
is not there for me anymore...

i wanna move on...
n i alr did it since 2 years ago...
but i dunno y
that i felt something when i read the notes that u make for other girl
that i felt disappoint when u dun meet me when u came here
that something bout u that always drag me to the past
that i miss u...
hi, i finally update my own blog after i update W14L blog. today is my first day UT. yup, this week we gonna have UT3. on the last day sch, we have a class lunch tgt. we order pizza delivery, have fun n took a lot of pics

For W14L, i wanna say these, that I'm gonna miss:

- Murni that always makes me giggle in front of my screen & even today she success make me giggle during UT! lol n give me new NICKNAME hahaha
- ChoonKai that always support me & being a good fren n uncle & his joke around that always brighten my day
- Nabil with his crap joke n sating random things n OH, sing malay song. he always makes me laugh in this own way
- Jing Hui.. my lao pa.. that always protect me haha
- Jason... my lovely didi that always being kind.. i'm gonna miss taking a lot of pics and make it into flipbook :)
- Jonas.. that even i'm not too close with u but i enjoy time where me n u in the same group
- WangTeng that always talk a lot in the presentation haha
- Sakura with her cute face n funny
- Erra that always start the class convos n lately like to play with nudge
- Jo that always got disturb by others n the way she talk that makes me laugh
- Fadz that help me a lot in programming haha
- Desmond Ming a.k.a silent kill that always draw funny things in class convos
- Desmond Wong that have a funny laugh n help me a lot during math module
- Harvn that also like to joke around n M.I.A haha
- Jin a.k.a baby hair that being so naughty but been changed lately
- Hamdi that also help me a lot at math n when presentation like to touch his hair lol
- Aung that like to spy my group haha
- Alviss that like to joke around n M.I.A lately
- Jerome that always ask a lot of question during cognitive n being a misterius guy hahaha
- Patricia with her sleepy face n funny
- Heezal that at first being depressed but lately i think that he found his lover hahaha

sure i will miss all that moment. for W14L, thanks for being my fren n being such a good fren that i dun feel that i am alone here. i hope that the friendship that we build will never end :) i'm looking forward our next class outing :D

YEAH! feel alive... yesterday, i took a day off from work n hang out wif my roommate, go to yishun to eat sushi at northpoint n then go to east coast. meet the others 2 frens at yishun then finally 4 ppls go to east coast... hahaha it was a nice public holiday after a past few months, i just spent my weekend by working working n working... sianz...

back to my story, we rent a bike there.. a double bike... fyi, i cannot ride a bike.. how embarrassing. that's y we use double bike n i just sit on the back. quite scary at first but nice ^^ hehe then we spent time at the beach n took a lot of pics.. i'll upload the pic as soon as i alr got the pic from my fren.

here's the pic... hehehe
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker - Photo Flipbooks
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker - Photo Flipbooks
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker - Photo Flipbooks
Photo Flipbook Slideshow Maker - Photo Flipbooks
i wanna buy a new shoes.. lol that time i alr saw it in JB but unluckily, i spent my ringgit alr lol but this time, i really wanna buy alr but if there is still have the stock... hope so...

here is the pic, nice or not? haha it can make into 2 model, first is like that, then we can also pull it up to make high cut sneakers
i dunno wat happened to me today.. u know wat, at pasta mania just got 2 people who worked included me.. crazy rite.. the people alr like siao, a lot... but the staff just 2... that's not the bad thing, not yet... i drop the pizza... ya.. i dropped it... for god shake, i dunno wat have i done... when i wanna took the pizza.. i kena langgar the 'q' board... n 2 pieces of the pizza fell down... i felt so bad.. really... n then u know wat, when i carried the plate, fortunately it's empty... i dropped it again.. shit.. damn... i dunno wat happened to me... luckily got 1 guy, he also from indonesia... he helped me swept the floor where i dropped the pizza, n when i dropped the plate, he helped me to take it... then he asked me to drink some water... said maybe i'm too tired... am i? i think so... 2 days straight slept at 3am coz of worked...

the first 2 hours, i just started work.. i spent a lot of energy alr... run here run there... when it's at 4 or 5, i forgot alr.. got 1 fat girl.. shit.. this one, i really dun like her... u know y? she always slack one.. damn... at 7 people started coming again.. n i'm so busy... i took the tray from customer n coz i'm in rush, i put the tray at her place, asked her to put on top together with other tray coz she worked as cashier today... but u know wat.. when i passed her place again, she asked me to put back.. shit fucko... is it so difficult that just take the tray n put on the top tgt with other tray that is RIGHT in front of u... that's not the worst yet.. she asked me, called me, when i'm in rush, just to put the delivery paper at the kitchen.. damn... she just need to walk 3 steps... 3 STEPS... that's not yet the worst.. the worst is.. actually, i worked until 9, but manager asked me to work until 11, i said cannot coz tml got sch.. some more, i alr tired... i dun wanna fall sick.. tonite just got Ardi who is that indonesia guy, he do the closing alone... he will be damn tired... so i worked until 10.. i help him a bit... n guess wat.. that fat girl.. sitting chit chat wif the driver... i'm so mad alr... Ardi also dun like her, said that she is so lazy... yup.. LAZY... slack a lot...

damn... today is a bad day...
Hi... i just woke up lol yesterday i alr came home late at nite coz got staff meeting at Pastamania. meeting from 1030 pm to 1230am sia la... all the staff alr sleepy lol
the manager gave us some briefing n told us the complaint that she got n some more... n b4 the meeting end, she took out 3 packet of hello panda which i thought that she wanted to give it to the staff.. hahaha then she said that we as the manager (there are 3 manager) have nominated some staff.. then she start with the best support or as known as the best cashier is no one.. hahaha she said that until now not yet have.. then she said the best runner or as known as waitress... i was sleepy that time, then suddenly i heard my name was called... waaaa... i reflected said "ha?" then everybody laughed at me.. lol
i won the best runner.. hahaha although that the prize just hello panda... i was excited, it is quite motivated me... haha n at last the best guy-who-never-late... lol is Ardi, he is from Bali... new comer for training... then at last have the best employee is Hazirah... she is quite hardworking compare to others...

n yah... yesterday, at 5 pm as usual i went to rock climbing n follow the level 1 rock climbing.. that time i missed the first session, now i dun wanna miss it again... we were taught how to use the safety equipment if we want to climb high wall... n yesterday is my first day that i climb high wall in rp.. my firt experience of climbing high wall is in climb lab which i alr told u guys b4... k back to topic, at first, i try to climb the high wall, i can't finished until the top, there is several tiles left... like no more energy to climb coz long time no climb n i dun do warm up... then at the second time, i can made up till the top.. hahaha there is a satisfaction when i reached the top... i like dun imagine that i can reached it coz at the middle my hand alr tired, i wanna go down.. but the one who belay me said that u can do it, c'mon... then i also told myself, i can n keep saying that... n voila.. i can reached it... hahhaha

k.. that's all that i wanna share about yesterday... today haven't happened anything.. hahaha c ya.. have a nice day... ^^