Hi guys... ugh.. today still e-learning n today so sian like siao... Yeah, same shit different day, dunno how come my life like this... Fortunately tomorrow i have work so that i won't slack all day. Ahh ya, yesterday i work from 6 to 11... Sunday nite, people like siao.. a lot sia... some more got SP students, i thought that they just came back from some water sport, wear like those want to dive. Last nite super tired... hahaha but i rather choose work than nothing to do. Still want to chase my target to earn a lot money then go back hometown changed my phone. hohohoho ohh! anyway, by the way, subway, fyi, RP students that got H1N1 increased by 3 for today! scary sia... so the total of H1N1 victims are 57!!! n 1 staff included inside... again... drink a lot of water n wish that all of u ok... :)

Anyway, i wanna share some about a guy, a guy that i just know for a few weeks, i dunno since when i think i like him.. But sad, i think he cold feet now, think that it is too fast... I think so, but i dun mind taking time to know him better, i realize that i haven't know much about him... I start to hope that he will keep in touch wif me everyday, sms me or chat wif me... He is just a nice n kind guy that can make me laugh till my cheeks cramp!!! lols
k, gotta off alr... c ya guys tomorrow... XoxO ;)
Huahhh... what a boring day recently... u guys noe y? coz of H1N1!!! i can't go to school, got "home quarantine" and continue the study by e-learning... wth... we'll do this until this wed, but i guess still will be postponed coz many students alr got H1N1... scary sia... the last news that i got is 43 students alr got H1N1... so u guys drink a lot of water and b careful with ppl around u...back to topic, all IG also stopped and sport complex closed... -_-" can u imagine how bored? damn sianzzz... -_-"""
Hey hey hey... I'm back again... hahaha This is my current class for now before it changes :( we already have fun as a class and we went to Sentosa on 2nd June which just passed... It was fun and hope can hang out like that again... :) Here just some pic, there's a lot more but i can't put it here all, otherwise the post will be so long...hahaha
From left : Heezal, Desmond, Murni and Jerome
Choon Kai & Veronica (infront), Jing Hui & Jason (back)
paparazzi took my pic...lolz
Desmond (silent killer lol), Choon Kai, Alviss, Jason, Jing Hui, Jonas & Desmond
Hi... This time my destination was go to Singapore Science Center... hohoho I joined ISC(International Student Club) n they arranged an event so I became their helper... hmm... nothing much to say.. haha just post some pics... enjoy! ^^
3D cubes
This one is nice, when u look up, u can see this pic...hehe
Can u see that there are 4 peoples standing face to each other? haha
Arrggghhh... where's my body???
Strong & Weak... :(
Hi guys.. i'm back again...haha so long dun update my blog...hahaha let me start with my visit at National Museum a month ago..hahaha I went there with my roomate n my 2 friends... we sign up through RP, it's free... hahaha quite nice... we're so lucky because that time, there have Christian Lacroix exhibition... his costume directly from France...haha got some pic, enjoy it... :)

Like this one the best... lolz