Here are some pictures that i wanna share with u guyz...hehe These pic were taken during the camp, we had 3D 2N camp, 1st night at RP n the next night was at Ubin island. We did some activities, so exciting... hehe Do kayaking as well at Ubin island, but unfortunately no one took the pic while we're doing kayaking. Apart from many mosquitoes and insect, it's very fun. :)

My Chinese friends and I. Taken before the activity started.

After wore safety equipment. Ready for doing some activity at ALC (Adventure Learning Center). We had to pass 4 challenges. Scroll down to see more pics... hehehe There are 4 pictures according to the order of the challenges.

This was taken after finished doing the 1st check point. It's in the cliff, can see Singapore at the view. Everybody already tired and the weather was so hot. But still... give a smile at camera... :)
From left : My Myanmar friend (J), Vietnamese (Nguen), Indonesian (William), 3 Myanmar friends (Luke, Will, Jeff)

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