i dunno how come my new class like this. it sucks. some of them create their own group. hi hi ha ha. say each other bitch. WTF!!! of course, they didn't do their work. i've been close wif my roomy classmates recently. dunno y, i feel comfortable wif them. even in the first meeting, i can "click" wif them. been hang out wif them twice. see... i even haven't have outing wif my own classmates.

but oh well... it's better like this i think. i can see who really is my fren n who is not.
anyway, nothing much to say. just wan to "pour" everything bout wat i felt recently.

c ya
lol Bali.. i'm coming for u now.. hmm actually it's next year.. make a crazy decision last nite.. my bestfren called me at the midnite ask me whether wan to book the ticket or not coz it's damn cheap.. S$42!!! damn cheap rite? i know.. lolz that's y we change the time, plan to go on dec but change to aug since that the ticket is CHEAP lolz. so yah... will be going to Bali for 10 days.. den this morning, i just let my parents knew.. lol

anyway, my bestfren will come again, n we gonna have a fun time again... hahaha so happy to think about that.. anyway, i'm not too close wif my new classmates, indeed yesterday i was having an outing wif my roommate's classmates.. they r all fun.. except for some people, not really some.. they r 2... feel that easier to get close n mingle wif them... even wif my classmates, i can't laugh like siao.. wif them, i laugh a lot.. rofl

anyway busway by the way, i'll off soon.. will work again tml.. sian.. but yah, this is life.. cannot lazy lazy.. still need to save money for Bali hahaha
c ya

long time never blog alr. coz busy wif sch, exam, ig n work. haiz =.=
now i feel like wanna blog, speaking of blog, today our web n new media is about blog -.-" lol
anyway, just wanna share something. i'm confuse actually wat this guy want. he didn't want me anymore, has a new gf. but just now i read his status talk about he still remember the date 7/9/2006 which i know exactly wat happened that day. i was like, wat the hell u mean by making that status. wat u want. i just dun get it. i try to let go of u. wish u have a happy life wif someone else. but it's like u keep haunting me.

Arrggghhh... wat u want from me???
i'm not a mind reader ~so tell me wat u want.

anyway, my bestfren came here since last sunday. yay! haha did a whole day shopping but sad just meet her for 1 day n today just for a while coz i got sch n something to do. but anyway, she will come again 2 weeks later to take an exam at rp. she gonna sch here. at rp! omg. lol

k. i gtg. it's late now. i'll blog again when there's something new.

c ya

this is a nice weekend ever after 1 month work even in weekend -.-" sianz. today i went to orchard, bugis n causeway. lol eat at sakae sushi n dinner at ion. woohooo.. lol spend 9 hours walk around all those places. window-shopping then do shopping a bit.. haha but anyway a bit disappoint, was thinking wanna go for a halloween party coz i think it might be fun.. but it's okay now, i had a good n nice weekend. so yah.. now i wanna sleep alr, so tired..

nites y'all