hahaha today i kuai kuai stay at home... sitting in front of laptop n update my blog lol. time goes so fast, without i realized i alr at medan for 2 weeks. that 2 weeks i spent a lot with my frends. hang out almost everyday. chit chat n laugh. what a relax n nice moment that i have. n of course i eat a lot hahaha even though that i can't eat too spicy n there's some food that i can't eat coz of my acne n i'm in recovery now. hope my face can recovery soon. >.<
Finally.. i'm @ Medan.. hohoho arrived 2 days ago. still remembered clearly wat happened when i was in the flight going to medan. the plane is f*cking shaky... turbulence... OMG... i myself until like "k.. i will just give up everything to God..." the plane keep shaking n up n down... till finally i vomit.. ugh.. it's been a long time i never vomit when i took a plane...
it's the worst flight that i ever ever ever took... from outside the window.. i can see that medan is raining heavily n it's STORMY... yup.. stormy.. no wonder that the plane is like that...

huahh.. feel so relaxing n comfortable..
mission completed:
- eat satay
- eat misop
- eat sambal
- meet my best friends

n today, i wanna go to saloon to cut my hair.. hehehe
can't wait to do all the stuff... :)